Category: Uncategorized

Church Hurt – When the Pain Comes From the Pulpit

Church Hurt – When the Pain Comes From the Pulpit

Pain is inevitable in this lifetime. Pain is expected. Not expected in a way that stems from a negative mindset but a realistic one, knowing we live in the world, yet we are not of the world. But there is one place where we NEVER expect pain to come from and that is from the man of God himself or the woman of God. But it does and sometimes it will. And if it does, what will you do?

Listen to what God has put on my heart to share with you. I promise you that this time, you are going to want to listen.

Link to YouTube Interview with my Big Brother, Dr. Demoine Kinney on our topic of church hurt:


The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

As Jesus hung on the cross, his last words were, “Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do”.  In Luke, as they captured this moment in time, in history, we see that Jesus left us a great example on the Power of Forgiveness. Forgiving people who hurt you and walking in love towards someone who does not have your best interest at heart, are not easy.

But with Christ and THROUGH Christ, all of this is possible. As you listen to this message, ask God to reveal to you how to walk in love to those around you, your neighbors, your coworkers, your family to include yourself. It’s not a walk in the park but it’s a walk that is worth the journey.


Regaining Your Focus

Regaining Your Focus

Regaining your focus will be a continual process throughout your Christian walk. With God on your side, all things will be possible, but the reality is that you will be hit with curveballs, situations, and circumstances that will test the Word of God that is on the inside of you. But these seeds (the Word of God) must grow through trials, circumstances…

Paul faced many trials and tribulations, just like the ones you will face. or have faced. Paul demonstrated the high calling that was on his life but his anointing came with a price – Paul did not quit. He may have desired to quit at the most pivotal moments of his life, however, Paul decided that he would fight the good fight of faith and stick with Jesus.

Like Paul, you will eventually come to a fork in the road, and the decision you will make will determine how you regain your focus. You can decide to quit or you can decide to keep moving forward!

Scriptures mentioned/Situations of Paul:

Acts 27: 27 – Ship wrecked

Acts 28: 3 – Paul bit by a snake

Acts 16: 16 – 25  – Thrown in jail with Silas

Habakkuk 2: 2 (MSG)

God Isn’t Done With You Yet!

God Isn’t Done With You Yet!

The trials you went through will be used by God. With God all things are possible, but you have to let God do the possible! God is saying to you, you may be tired, worn out, beat up but God says you are not down for the count. Listen to this episode and listen to the word that God gave me to give you.


Ecc. 3: 1

Matthew 19: 26

Job 8: 7

War Of The Covenants

War Of The Covenants

There was WAR within the camp.

And Abraham was responsible for the war within his household. Abraham was responsible for both covenants. And his back was against the wall.

God vs. Satan

Good vs. Evil

The Promise vs. The Flesh

Isaac vs. Ishmael

But God would have the last say. In the stand down between God and satan, satan didn’t have a chance.

If there is one thing we can take from the story of Abraham and Sarah, it would be – God and Satan cannot dwell amongst covenants. Through this story and the word God has given me to share with you all, you will see that the covenants you make will not always be of God and for God.

The devil’s deception will lead you to believe, that this is what God wants. This is what God will bless. God will never bless the seed of satan and God will never allow the devil to infiltrate His camp. God’s word is His word and it is FINAL.

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer changes things. It not only changes the atmosphere surrounding you, but it also changes you from within. As much as we want our circumstances to go away, that is not what God allows. God will allow trials to shape us into becoming better sons and daughters fit for His Kingdom. Through our trials, we can be a living witness to those who need to us survive what they have gone through.

But if you are like some people, you may believe that the hand you are dealt with is the hand you play. Through this episode, I will show you how to navigate the hand you were given and change the cards! At times satan will give you stack of cards, you have the power and authority through Jesus Christ to discard those cards and use a good hand.

Being dormant as a christian is not how you win these battles. The battles may be God’s or the battles may be the enemy’s, but either way, you can win!


Job 42: 10

Exodus 32: 1 – 17

John 10: 10

Romans 8: 28 KJV (This Scripture was not in my original notes but the Holy Spirit lead me to give you this during my sermon)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”


Meet God Where You Are At

Meet God Where You Are At

God will anoint you on your lowest level, but you must remain there until you are elevated to the next level. There are some things you must learn and unlearn in order to operate in the fullness of God. Like King David, he was anointed to be King at 16-17 years of age. He sat on the throne as King almost two decades later. There were some things that God had to teach David as well as purge out of him.

You may be like David, where you are right now does not look like what God has called you too. But don’t worry, this is your necessary valley. We all have a valley to dig through before we can experience the high mountains.

Come take a listen as I go over four key points that are hard hitting but will change your life, if you follow them.


The Battles That We Lose

The Battles That We Lose

King David was always a fighter. He was anointed by God as a teenager to be King. King David’s life was extraordinary but his life was not without trials. King David fought as many battles on the inside as he did on the outside. The difference? King David won more outside battles than he did within…

We too are like King David. We win some, we lose some…but how long will you lose these battles? Your Goliath’s on the outside are just as big and important as the Goliath’s are on the inside.

You are called by God but you are also called by God to win, not just survive the battles!

God Already Has An Answer

God Already Has An Answer

In the book of Mark, Chapter 16, we see that God already had the answer waiting for Mary and Mary Magdalene. Through Mary and Mary’s obedience, they were able to see that God already had an answer to their question “Who will roll away the stone?” Have you ever had an obstacle that looked so incredible you almost gave up? whatever your stone is, or will be (we all face our stones in life), know that God already has an answer.

Your stone can be a cancer diagnosis, a breakup, a bad business deal, your children are not acting according to how you raised them, your friendship with your best friend is lopsided, or you may be facing a lot of mental obstacles. It is okay to admit to having mental obstacles of doubt, confusion, or plain ol’ resistance….but don’t stay stuck in that mentality. God already has an answer for you but you can pray and ask God to help you walk through to the other side. His grace will be more than sufficient for you.