Category: Uncategorized

Stir Up Your Gift

Stir Up Your Gift

In the New Testament, there was a young servant of Jesus Christ, whose name was Timothy. Timothy was a zealous man, on fire for God, traveling preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Timothy experienced a dry season (a rough season) where he was not as welcomed by the elders of those days. During his season, Timothy (like many of us) had to be uplifted and Timothy found himself at a cross road.

Timothy had a choice to make; to press forward and encourage himself in the Lord or quit and never look back.

Some of you are in your dry season and God told me to tell you to STIR UP YOUR GIFT. Take a listen to this episode and allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you. Your dry season is not your end-all season. You have a window of opportunity to move forward but first you must get up in the inside.

Encourage yourself. Uplift yourself with the Power of God and take hold of all the assignments God is calling too too!



Every season is different from one season to the next. This episode is for those that are in a season of stretching and growing in the their faith walk with Christ.

In the book of Genesis Chapter 22: 1 – 18, God tested Abraham to see where his heart’s posture and his obedience stood. You may not be in this scenario specifically but God is requiring something of you that is difficult to exchange for His promises.

But there is always a Ram In the Bush – After your obedience!

It may be your faith, it may be your boundaries (denying your flesh or people certain things), whatever your “Isaac aka Lamb” is, know that it is not about the sacrifice but it’s about obedience.

God is more concerned about how you are obeying Him rather than what you are being called to “give up“.  God is saying you are not giving up but you are gaining and this is how you make room for the things of God in your life.

You are going to grow through this season of being stretched and watch God bless you, after your full obedience to Him.

Trust God in this process.



Perception of Battle; Spirit vs. Flesh

Esther was delivered a battle from the enemy through Haman to kill all Jews. Esther was going to remain quiet and let the battle rage but being true to himself, Mordecai steps in to give Esther a heart to heart talk. Esther, accepting the position to save not only herself but ALL of her people, realizes she’s in a battle for her life – literally.

In a strategic move, Esther perceived the battle she faced, she takes the battle from the earth realm, to the Spirit realm – she takes the battle to the LORD. She commands a fast throughout the Jews and including herself and her maidens. Esther did something so profound that is a wake up call to all Christians – move the battle from the devils turf to God’s turf.

Esther perceived that in order for her to win, she had to fight on her territory – which is on the LORD’s side. There is no battle that we can face and win in the flesh. God knows this, the devil knows this but do you perceive this?

Learn how to take your battle to the LORD in this episode. Whether it be by fasting and praying or being still in the LORD, all battles belong to the LORD and the LORD will always instruct you on how to win, strategically.

Scriptures covered: Esther 4: 13 – 17.



In your season of accelerated favor comes the strategy of movement, controlling your emotions and being quiet. God is saying to you today, will you serve Him or will you serve your enemies? As you have the freedom and grace to choose, God is prompting you to choose wisely and to chose Him.

God is never going to guide His children in a wrong direction. The direction in which you are going may seem unconventional or may appear to be out of the will of God but trust God and trust His process.

Topic and subtitle:

Accelerated Favor

  • The crowing of Queen Esther
  • You won’t look like what you been through
  • Your enemies won’t uncover you before your time
  • Accelerated favor comes with haters
  • Your enemies will roar but they can’t bite


You have influence and God wants you to be keenly aware of your power. With every level of elevation comes a power of influence that can negatively or positively effect God’s people that He has assigned to you. Your influence is not one dimensional but it’s GENERATIONAL!

When you keep in mind your the impact of your actions, knowing your movements, and setting your focus goals, you will be better able to strategically and divinely move about what God has for you with success.


Scriptures for reference: Esther 1: 13 – 22 KING JAMES VERSION



You have influence and God wants you to be keenly aware of your power. With every level of elevation comes a power of influence that can negatively or positively effect God’s people that He has assigned to you. Your influence is not one dimensional but it’s GENERATIONAL!

When you keep in mind your the impact of your actions, knowing your movements, and setting your focus goals, you will be better able to strategically and divinely move about what God has for you with success.


Scriptures for reference: Esther 1: 13 – 22 KING JAMES VERSION


The Strategy of Elevation

The Strategy of Elevation

Every level of elevation requires strategy and a network of God-divine people in place to bring it to fruition. Esther’s life was as such in which at one point we can ask ourselves, what is Esther had her way? What if she kept it real? She would have quit and told King Ahasuerus, “This is not for me”. What happens when keeping it real is detrimental to the very place God is elevating you too?

There is a when, why and how when it comes to strategy. God has given each one of His children a portion of wisdom, that if they put their pride aside, their egos, and see that what they are about to embark on is bigger than them, they’ll win every time!

Take a listen!


Introducing: Season 6

Introducing: Season 6

I am back! Welcome to season 6. In season 6, I will be discussing practical and Spiritual ways to move forward in life. This journey is not easy but together we can make it work. Step by step, day by day, we can learn ways to better ourselves not only for those around us, but because we are worth it.

In season 6, you will get from me and my guest;

  • Lessons
  • Teachings
  • Inspiration
  • Practical tips and advice
  • Ways to move in the right direction towards God’s purpose for your life
  • Financial and Investment Suggestions*

Ebony H. Brooks

Closed Doors

Closed Doors

Closed Doors come in the form of terrifying words that you never want to hear. Closed doors may also come in the form of a relationship that you had to let go, or the job didn’t hire you for the position you wanted. It can even look like a loved one who didn’t make it and you received the devastating news.

Whatever your closed doors were this year, know that God has orchestrated your footsteps through it all and He has a GREAT purpose for your life. As the year is coming to an end, know that your life is just beginning because your best is your next to come!

Read and meditate on the scriptures in Psalm 37: 23 and Romans 12: 3. These are profound scriptures and you will gain insight on what God has for you.


Releasing Strongholds

Releasing Strongholds

Along our journey, we must put off old ways and relearn new habits.

What helped us survive as children, will be the very same things that will harm us as adults. God gives grace and mercy where it’s needed, however, there must be a time when God will let up, so that way there would be room for positive growth.

Growing towards the mark of the high calling is not for the faint. But the same God who gave you the grace to survive trauma will be the same God who will give you strength to overcome.

Releasing your stronghold will have you fighting for your life (literally) but you will not be without help.