Perception of Battle; Spirit vs. Flesh

Esther was delivered a battle from the enemy through Haman to kill all Jews. Esther was going to remain quiet and let the battle rage but being true to himself, Mordecai steps in to give Esther a heart to heart talk. Esther, accepting the position to save not only herself but ALL of her people, realizes she’s in a battle for her life – literally.

In a strategic move, Esther perceived the battle she faced, she takes the battle from the earth realm, to the Spirit realm – she takes the battle to the LORD. She commands a fast throughout the Jews and including herself and her maidens. Esther did something so profound that is a wake up call to all Christians – move the battle from the devils turf to God’s turf.

Esther perceived that in order for her to win, she had to fight on her territory – which is on the LORD’s side. There is no battle that we can face and win in the flesh. God knows this, the devil knows this but do you perceive this?

Learn how to take your battle to the LORD in this episode. Whether it be by fasting and praying or being still in the LORD, all battles belong to the LORD and the LORD will always instruct you on how to win, strategically.

Scriptures covered: Esther 4: 13 – 17.

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