Month: August 2023

Regaining Your Focus

Regaining Your Focus

Regaining your focus will be a continual process throughout your Christian walk. With God on your side, all things will be possible, but the reality is that you will be hit with curveballs, situations, and circumstances that will test the Word of God that is on the inside of you. But these seeds (the Word of God) must grow through trials, circumstances…

Paul faced many trials and tribulations, just like the ones you will face. or have faced. Paul demonstrated the high calling that was on his life but his anointing came with a price – Paul did not quit. He may have desired to quit at the most pivotal moments of his life, however, Paul decided that he would fight the good fight of faith and stick with Jesus.

Like Paul, you will eventually come to a fork in the road, and the decision you will make will determine how you regain your focus. You can decide to quit or you can decide to keep moving forward!

Scriptures mentioned/Situations of Paul:

Acts 27: 27 – Ship wrecked

Acts 28: 3 – Paul bit by a snake

Acts 16: 16 – 25  – Thrown in jail with Silas

Habakkuk 2: 2 (MSG)