Month: May 2023

War Of The Covenants

War Of The Covenants

There was WAR within the camp.

And Abraham was responsible for the war within his household. Abraham was responsible for both covenants. And his back was against the wall.

God vs. Satan

Good vs. Evil

The Promise vs. The Flesh

Isaac vs. Ishmael

But God would have the last say. In the stand down between God and satan, satan didn’t have a chance.

If there is one thing we can take from the story of Abraham and Sarah, it would be – God and Satan cannot dwell amongst covenants. Through this story and the word God has given me to share with you all, you will see that the covenants you make will not always be of God and for God.

The devil’s deception will lead you to believe, that this is what God wants. This is what God will bless. God will never bless the seed of satan and God will never allow the devil to infiltrate His camp. God’s word is His word and it is FINAL.

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer changes things. It not only changes the atmosphere surrounding you, but it also changes you from within. As much as we want our circumstances to go away, that is not what God allows. God will allow trials to shape us into becoming better sons and daughters fit for His Kingdom. Through our trials, we can be a living witness to those who need to us survive what they have gone through.

But if you are like some people, you may believe that the hand you are dealt with is the hand you play. Through this episode, I will show you how to navigate the hand you were given and change the cards! At times satan will give you stack of cards, you have the power and authority through Jesus Christ to discard those cards and use a good hand.

Being dormant as a christian is not how you win these battles. The battles may be God’s or the battles may be the enemy’s, but either way, you can win!


Job 42: 10

Exodus 32: 1 – 17

John 10: 10

Romans 8: 28 KJV (This Scripture was not in my original notes but the Holy Spirit lead me to give you this during my sermon)

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”