God Already Has An Answer

God Already Has An Answer

In the book of Mark, Chapter 16, we see that God already had the answer waiting for Mary and Mary Magdalene. Through Mary and Mary’s obedience, they were able to see that God already had an answer to their question “Who will roll away the stone?” Have you ever had an obstacle that looked so incredible you almost gave up? whatever your stone is, or will be (we all face our stones in life), know that God already has an answer.

Your stone can be a cancer diagnosis, a breakup, a bad business deal, your children are not acting according to how you raised them, your friendship with your best friend is lopsided, or you may be facing a lot of mental obstacles. It is okay to admit to having mental obstacles of doubt, confusion, or plain ol’ resistance….but don’t stay stuck in that mentality. God already has an answer for you but you can pray and ask God to help you walk through to the other side. His grace will be more than sufficient for you.

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