Month: September 2020

Paralyzed by Fear and Anxiety

Paralyzed by Fear and Anxiety

Have you woke up and was in full panic mode? Anxiety crippled you and the worries of life paralyzed your mind while your emotions took full control of your body?

Anxiety Attacks are not from God. They are a fully loaded attack from Satan himself and he plans on stealing your joy, killing your peace and destroying your testimony.

We all that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Jesus defeated him and he knows that his time is short upon this earth. Do not allow the devil to rob your house (peace, mind, joy, life etc). Satan cannot rob a house that’s is empty, so if he is periodically stopping by that means you still have what’s left that God gave you.

We have power AND AUTHORITY over Satan. We must begin to wear our full armor of God and properly utilize our Spiritual weapons if we want to keep Satan under our feet.